Students - For You and About You

We are delighted to have welcomed nearly 300 students from 33 nationalities back to classes this year! At VCUarts Qatar, we want students to succeed. We recognize that university-life can be hectic; we therefore aim to provide both in-person support and numerous online and other resources to help you to adjust to, to navigate, and to maximize your VCUarts Qatar experience. 

  • From this page, students are able to access information related to student support services offered through the Department of Student Affairs, the Office of Academic Advising (Department of Academic Affairs), the Department of Enrollment and Registration Services, as well as information that aims to support your comprehensive experience at VCUarts Qatar.
  • Like most U.S.-universities, VCU and VCUarts Qatar expect students to be responsible for knowing the university's policies and regulations, both general and specific, academic and other. As such, it is the responsibility of all students, both undergraduate and graduate students, to be familiar with their respective Bulletin-of-record (i.e. the Bulletin in effect at the time of their initial enrollment), including the institutional and program-specific academic and non-academic regulations.
  • Please refer to the Undergraduate or Graduate Bulletin for more information, as well as to VCU Policy Library for all policies in place at VCU. 
  • VCUarts Qatar makes every effort to respect the culture and sensitivities of our Qatari hosts and in return benefit from the intellectual and academic freedom that the Qatar Foundation endorses. Mutual respect is vital to our operations and educational goals. Mutual respect is expected of all faculty, students and staff.