BFA+MFA 2022

Maha Al Emadi,From Scratch, mixed media, 2022

Maha Al Emadi

School for Autistic Children

Interior Design


Design, to me, is the bridge between the imaginary and reality, what we think is possible and what we dream is possible - it is the door to transcend into a magical universe. As Roald Dahl said, “Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.” I consider design a magical process that involves a synergy of many stages, including visualization, drafting, sketching and execution. My innate curiosity for design stemmed from a young age. Interior design helps me apply this passion to help solve real world problems. By expressing my ideas visually, I try to help solve societal problems while offering the world a glimpse into the myriad of possibilities in my magical universe that is ever evolving.

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