BFA+MFA 2022

Selecting an image from my photographs and painting an outline as the first layer

Painting specific areas to create depth and composition

Having an image hanging on the painting for reference

Studio space

Noora AlHardan

Abandoned Portals الابواب المهجورة

Painting and Printmaking


Noora Alhardan, I am a multidisciplinary artist that works with paintings, printing, installations, and photography. When it comes to creating art, my main inspiration ranges from the context of everyday life, whether it is my surrounding environment, still life, or a merge of both. I’m interested in capturing images–with an analog camera, of architectural, abandoned, and/or local spaces that I find compelling and I then convert them into paintings, using my photographs and my memory of the place/space as a template. My reasoning behind choosing abandoned spaces falls back to my background and overall inspiration as an artist, which deals with shedding light on things I notice that are often overlooked.

I'm fascinated by the light leaks and distortions that occur unexpectedly after developing the film, altering the image preserved in my mind. This melange of the imaginary image and the actual image of the place, find their way into my compositions. My current work includes large scale canvases that explore the epic nature of these sites, the architecture of space in all its geometry and scale, the intricacy of the lines that make up the space,  as well as an intimate rendering of the presence of absence. I allow the viewer to experience these spaces through filters and distortions, offering a new perspective on the ordinary and a chance for the audience to step back and look at the world with a different lens.

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Painting and Printmaking